Rachel Presser
1 min readDec 29, 2018

So I’m still a Medium n00b but given that most of the stories that get algorithmically recommended to me already have at several thousand claps, THIS SO HARD.

It makes me wonder if I stepped into the platform during Steam-ification, which for those unfamiliar with the business of indie games used to have this esoteric process until Greenlight which got axed and now they literally take anything but it’s only AAA developers and maybe four prominent indies who make all the money.

There’s now Epic and Discord stores which many devs feel we’re a long time and coming and trust, what happens in game dev is surprisingly seismic in that it takes 1–2 years for our effects to repeat in other industries. Just saying :)



Rachel Presser

Game dev, writer, small biz & tax consultant to indie devs. That loud socialist Frog Slut from The Bronx, now in Angel City. https://linktr.ee/sonictoad