Just Be Yourself!…Unless You’re a Woman
Women are encouraged to be the exact opposite of who they are, and strive for things that may be completely different from what they actually do.
At the dawn of my 36th year on this ball of dirt and hydrocarbons, I’ve had many realizations about my own existence, the human experience, and social constructs in general.
Quarantine will do that, especially when your friends were already gentrified out before this and you’ve decided to change course when society reopens.
My conclusion? Women are basically told to be the exact opposite of who they are. Who we actually are is never enough.
You’re told to lose weight until you fit some arbitrary standard, even if your thinnest is still considered fat in the grand scheme of things. But if you’re also deemed too thin, then you’re told to eat a cheeseburger.
Got stick-straight hair? Grab that curling iron and get some supermodel curls! But ick, CURLY hair? Go dump a few hundred bucks worth of product on it so it’s straighter and flatter than an episode from a 1990s white teen drama!