Is There a Double Standard When It Comes to Choosing Your Pet Over a Potential Romantic Partner?

I noticed this fascinating difference between the way people view women refusing to give up pets compared to men who feel the same.

Rachel Presser
10 min readSep 14, 2022


Green iguana in a green pet harness resting on a tree branch
Licensed via Adobe Stock

At the time of writing, I’m nearing the end of a journey for one of the dreams that brought me to California: raising a giant lizard from a baby.

Well, medium-sized dinosaur for now. It’s no secret that I love big varanids, but I want to provide the best possible home for this baby. While my current digs are amazing, I really need a second bedroom at minimum for the Asian water monitor I dream of raising. Hence, I’m adopting its lesser-known but equally fantastic cousin, the Kimberley Rock Monitor (varanus glauerti!)

hand holding up a baby Kimberley Rock Monitor with a super stripey tail at a reptile shop
Pic from the breeder before I confirmed and paid for my little dinosaur! Isn’t he precious? Deciding on a name after I get him home from the hatchery.

While my participation in the reptile hobby has taught me much about life, this essay isn’t so much about lizards as it is about something I’ve observed over the years that has become extremely palpable to me.

In the near-infinite discourse on dating, I noticed there seems to be…



Rachel Presser

Game dev, writer, small biz & tax consultant to indie devs. That loud socialist Frog Slut from The Bronx, now in Angel City.