Inflatable Furniture Of The Late 90s Was Inadvertently Symbolic

It looked shiny and futuristic, but was actually uncomfortable and your ass often hit the floor: just like most Millennials’ futures.

Rachel Presser


Group of friends eating pizza on colorful inflatable couches, chairs, and ottomans similar to the kind that were popular in the 1990s
Found on Pinterest // There is no way a similar pizza party happened outside of this product shoot. That ottoman would be deflating like our purchasing power come 2008.

I distinctly recall the first time I ever saw an inflatable chair: it was the summer of 1998 and this catalog called Just Nikki, which…



Rachel Presser

Game dev, writer, small biz & tax consultant to indie devs. That loud socialist Frog Slut from The Bronx, now in Angel City.